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Mark Hancock is a teacher, trainer and author based in the UK. He holds an MA in Teaching English from Aston University. His books include Pronunciation Games (CUP 1995), English Pronunciation in Use (CUP 2003), Authentic Listening in Practice (DELTA 2014, with Annie McDonald) and PronPack 1-4 (Hancock McDonald ELT 2017). He also runs the teacher resource websites: PronPack.com and HancockMcDonald.com (
T. Veigga is Trinity CertTESOL tutor, teacher, teacher trainer and materials designer based in Rio. He holds a BA in Languages (UFRJ), a Specialisation in Media-Education (PUC- Rio), the CPE, and Delta Modules 1 and 2, currently working on module 3. He has written articles on various subjects related to teaching, as well as presented at conferences in Brazil and abroad. An active member of the ELT community, T. is part of the BRAZ-TESOL advisory council and has been a pedagogical coordinator for BrELT since 2015.